March 5, 2010

Hip Hip Hooray… It's the Weekend!

I'm soooo looking forward to this weekend. Work has been out of control this week and I NEED two days off to regain my sanity. The last two nights I have fallen asleep with the girls in my bed after reading books to them. I've woken up around 11:00 p.m. thinking I have so much to do, how could I have fallen asleep! I know, I must have needed the sleep. My house is a disaster and I could really use a house keeper while Geoff is in Arizona.

Tomorrow we have are going to Claire's 4th birthday party. Peyton is so excited because we are going to a very special place. Hope it doesn't rain tomorrow but I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Sunday we are going to visit the Fischer family. We can't wait to meet Baby Ella and I'm excited to catch up with my friend. It's been way too long!

Yesterday, Grammie brought home a special computer so we could chat with daddy on Skype. Unfortunately, daddy's computer was having issues so he could see us on video however, we couldn't see him. Hopefully daddy will get his computer fixed soon so we can chat and see each other. Peyton was so cute chatting with daddy. She told me to go away so just her and daddy could chat. She brought a book home yesterday since she's starting to learn to read at school and she was so proud to read it to daddy and sound out all the letters for him. We're so proud of her! Logan was more interested in pushing the keys on the computer so her time chatting with daddy didn't last too long. I'm sure Logan would have been more interested if she could have seen daddy on the screen.

Grammie's picking the girls up today which is so helpful! She picked up Peyton early to spend some one on one time with her. Peyton truly has been such a good girl since daddy left for spring training. Yesterday, Peyton brought another good day award from school! That's three this week!

I bought this little Dora bubble blower for Logan's birthday. The girls LOVE it! I mean come on now, who would of thought that a $11.00 toy could bring so much joy to two girls? I've been putting it on when they take their tub. Of course, they both want to touch it and it's fallen in the tub several times and been submerged under water. But it still works!

Speaking of the tub... I love this picture! Logan's eyes are so BLUE! And no, the Dora bubble blower did not make this many bubbles...

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