March 19, 2010

Beach Bound

We are definitely beach bound this weekend since the weather is going to be so nice! The girls absolutely love going to the beach. Hopefully, Logan is past the whole eating sand thing. It completely grosses me out to hear her chomp on sand. As Peyton would say, "That's disgusting."

We have a fun filled weekend planned, once again! Grammie picked up Peyton today from school and she's going to have a sleepover at Grammie's house tonight. Grammie picked up Logan too so I'm going to have dinner with all the girls and then I'm taking Logan home. I've got another soccer game tomorrow in the late morning. I'm hoping our team does better than that last week, may I not be in pain like the last game. Once I'm finished with soccer, I'm picking the girls up from Grammie's house and heading to the beach to meet Peyton's' friends (and mommies too). I'm hoping to get there while it's still warm outside. This will be our first time at the beach in 2010 with bathing suits on, not me, the girls. :)

On Sunday, we are going to Peyton's school for Preschool Sunday at church. The kids will be performing songs in front of the entire church. Once mass is over, the kids get to play outside. They also rented a bounce house and are providing us with lunch too. Peyton is so excited!!! I'm hoping to take some video of the performance… if I get a good seat.

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