March 2, 2010

I Get By With A Little Help... OK A TON OF HELP!

I've been getting by with a TON of help from friends and family while Geoff is working in Arizona. I don't know what I would do (besides go insane) if I didn't have so much help!

Grammie has been so amazing and so helpful! I woke up this morning to Logan in her crib saying, "Where Grammie Go?" Grammie even spent the night Friday so I could go to work Saturday morning and make up some hours. She's helped with picking the girls up from school, dinner, tubby time, etc. The girls love to play with her and I think she wears them out a bit before going to bed.

Rachel has been so kind and offered to take Peyton to school the last two days. This has worked out GREAT!!! It has given me an opportunity to get to work a bit earlier since I don't have to drop off both kids. She has also come over to the house to watch the kids while I make a quick trip to Target and the grocery store. It's way easier (and cheaper) if I don't take the kids with me.

Momma Kay has been there for me when I need to talk and she's also been a blessing in that Logan is back at her daycare. Logan wasn't ready for preschool and Momma Kay insisted she return to her daycare. Momma Kay says Logan belongs at her daycare, Geoff and I both agree!

Birute has offered to take Peyton home if I need any help in the evenings and Momma Kay has offered to take Logan home as well. Yazmin has picked up Peyton a couple times to help me out too. We're truly blessed to have so many amazing people in our lives!

The past couple nights I've taken pictures of the girls in their jammies after tub time. We've been able to eat dinner around 6:30 each night and I made sure the kids go straight to the tub after dinner. We usually watch an episode of Yo Gabba Gabba and the Upside Down Show. The girls love to dance when Yo Gabba Gabba comes on. The girls learned a new dance called the Twirly Worly. They love to do this dance and it's so cute to watch them dance together. Here's how it goes…. I will have to get this dance on video soon!

Arm up, arm up, bend your knees, bend your knees, twirly worly, twirly worly (while spinning around and around).

As I posted earlier, Logan received an Elmo doll from Auntie Carol for her birthday and a mini stroller as well. Logan gives Elmo a ride every night in the stroller and she goes to bed with Elmo too. My favorite is when Logan puts her Elmo in the stroller, puts on her Elmo purse and says, "Bye everybody" as she is waving. It's so darn cute! (I know, she has her little boy jammies on, but she still looks cute!)

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