March 9, 2010

Grammie's Birthday Celebration!

Last night Grammie came over to our house to celebrate her birthday. We decided we were going to take her to dinner. Grammie let Peyton pick the restaurant and she picked Ihop! So we went to the Huntington Beach Ihop to celebrate. It wasn't too crowded, which was nice since Logan was in rare form, ok, not so rare for dining out.

So we ordered breakfast for dinner which was so yummy!! I was delightfully reminded that they have the best pancakes! Once we finished with dinner the waitress brought over two little sundaes for the girls and we sang Happy Birthday to Grammie.

Once we got home, the girls took their baths and then it was time for Peyton to put on a show. Peyton loves the Kids Bop CD's and I picked her up the Vol. 17 yesterday at Target since she's been such a good girl lately. Peyton realized she knew several songs on the CD so she was dancing and singing to the music. It was so darn cute!

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